2019 Theme: Time, Treasure, and Talent

Our congregation is growing its faith through generosity.

Stewardship is an essential part of Christian discipleship. Scripture provides us guidance and grace as we reflect our heartfelt gratitude through our giving. Our heartfelt gratitude leads us to be involved in God’s work through the worship, work, and witness of Washington Avenue Christian Church. Succinctly put, we are growing our faith through generosity.

Sunday. November 18, 2018, was Consecration Day at WACC, the annual event when we dedicate our financial commitments to God for the mission and ministry of Washington Avenue Christian Church. Though this date has passed, you can participate in making a commitment for 2019. Because God entrusts resources to us in time, treasure, and talents, we return what God has given us so that we may go to love and serve from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth. You may submit your commitment online at waccelyria.org/commitment. Please join us in growing your faith through generosity.

Blessings abundant,

Lauri Warfield and Chuck Baumgartner,
Stewardship Committee Co-Chairs