2021 Theme: Draw the Circle Wide… Draw It Wider Still

Welcome to an online experience of stewardship! In the midst of a troubling and turbulent time, our hearts are full of resolve, faith, and excitement as God continues to inspire us to draw the circle wide and draw it wider still.

Through the below videos, you’ll hear how church leadership is responding to God’s urging, learn ways members are joining forces to build a new kind of community, and discover ways you can participate with hope, joy, and gratitude as we worship God in fresh ways. Please pray with and for our church as we live into this new era of our shared life and then join with us as we draw the circle wide and draw it wider still.

Your faith, imagination, creativity, and sense of our history as we have followed Jesus across the centuries are needed in this vital project. We will also need your resources of time, energy, and financial commitment. Start thinking about the ways you can draw the circle wide and draw it wider still by giving back to God through Washington Avenue Christian Church.

On Consecration Sunday, November 22, 2020, we will offer an online worship service that includes a time for offering our pledge commitments for 2021. During the worship service, please submit your commitment online at waccelyria.org/commitment.

You are a beloved part of this congregation, and we give thanks to God for your faithful discipleship and grateful stewardship. Together, with God’s help, we will draw the circle wide and draw it wider still.

Lauri Warfield & Debby Willets
Stewardship Committee Co-Chairs