Welcome, Kathy Oblak!

Meet Kathy Oblak, a recent and most-welcome new member of Washington Avenue Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Kathy’s husband is Ken Oblak, a longtime and much-involved member who has served as an Elder, a member of the Diaconate, and a member of the Nominating Committee.

Kathy grew up in Marion, the eldest of 7 children. After graduating from Marion Catholic High School, she attended The Ohio State University and pursued a career as a dental hygienist. Kathy married in 1965 and had four children: Jane, Jim, Bill, and David, who was born with Down’s Syndrome.

Her journey with David brought joy and love to be treasured forever, although he passed in 2000 at the age of 25. Kathy said David had a remarkable spirit that won him many friends over the years. She gives Murray Ridge School and Workshop enormous credit for bringing David learning, skills, and friends. David loved to go out with his Mom, and one of his favorite places to visit was the Subway on Cleveland St. He was so interested in how the shop worked that he eventually was hired to work several hours a week. He loved every minute of it.

Kathy worked as a dental hygienist for many years, including those devoted to raising those four children. She met Ken because of their mutual interests in teaching and coaching. They married in 1994, and she says that Ken became a wonderful husband to her and stepfather (and later step grandfather) to all her children and grandchildren. They now have 7 grandchildren who live in California, Florida, and Bowling Green.

Kathy and Ken are very involved in physical fitness activities. Kathy exercises at the World Gym, and Ken works out at LCCC. Exercise is especially important to Kathy, who contracted Polio as a child. As part of her treatment, foot surgery was performed to help strengthen her feet. She was encouraged to exercise to keep her feet and legs strong, which she does. She’s also an avid swimmer.

Kathy has been attending our services for some time, and we are so glad that she decided to join formally.

Welcome to WACC, Kathy!