Greetings from Glennis Covault

Just over a month ago, I packed up my entire life and moved halfway across the world to study at the University of Manchester in England for a semester. Since I was eighteen, I haven’t spent more than a year living in the same place, so I was seeking some adventure and change. I also fell in love with England when I lived here in 2020 and wanted to explore more of the country out of the confines of the coronavirus lockdown. England is an incredibly beautiful country that I recommend you visit if given the chance.

This semester, I am taking three courses. The first is The Bible in Modern and Ancient Times. This course focuses on a broad, surface-level introduction to the Bible and its reception, significance, and interpretation, both when it was first written and in the present day. Secondly, I am taking God at the Movies, which examines how theology is portrayed and used in film. And lastly, I am taking Making Sense of Christ, in which we are examining how different societies and times interpret Jesus Christ as a historical and religious figure.

I have also found a church, Christ Church Manchester, where I attend services on Sundays and a community group on Tuesdays. Christ Church Manchester is where I have seen God the most while I have been here. The Christians who have so graciously welcomed me into their circles, prayed for me, and worshipped with me have inspired my faith. It is so comforting to know that no matter where I am in the world, I can find incredible fellowship with others who love and worship the same God.

Finally, I would like to share some news that is bittersweet. Next week, I will be returning to Ohio. This is not at all what I had originally planned, but it is important for my wellbeing that I return home. I am sad to be leaving England but excited to be back at WACC and take a more active role in my ministry. And I am definitely looking forward to seeing all of you soon!

In Christ,

Glennis Covault