A Word from the Rev. Alan Dicken and the Ohio Region

Dear Friends at Washington Avenue Christian Church,

Thank you so much for considering this year’s Christmas offering. Across the entire denomination, churches and individuals give to the Christmas offering to support the work of the Regional Church body.

As you know, Advent and Christmas are times of waiting and transformation. It seems fitting then, to hold this offering for the Ohio Region during this special season. Just like Advent, however, it is not a time of idle waiting. We have been hard at work supporting ministers and congregations organizing our Anti-Racism/Pro-Reconciliation work, connecting creative ministries that are emerging in the face of Covid-19, growing the Free Store ministry at Camp Christian, sustaining our Camp facilities to be ready for programming in 2021, organizing fundraising, and preparing for the calling of a Regional Minister in the coming months! This has not at all been a time of idle waiting!

Waiting and working are important, but what makes Advent and Christmas so special is the transformation that happens when we invite the Christ Child into our lives. We are reminded that God comes to us humbly, often in surprising ways, but always consistently and always in love. When we invite the Spirit into our shared ministries of the Ohio Region, our waiting and working become faithful and transformative.

This Christmas offering, we first invite Christ’s transforming life and love into our shared ministry. Without Christ we can do nothing. With Christ, we can do all things. Next, we invite congregations to prayerfully consider supporting the ministries of the region through the annual Christmas offering. This support traditionally looks like financial giving, but we know that there are many other gifts and talents that can be generously shared through our regional ministries. If you have interest in sharing those gifts and talents, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at adicken@ccinoh.org. Thank you for your witness.

Thank you for your faith. May your Advent be blessed and may you be transformed again by Christ’s entry into this world this Christmas.

Peace and Love,

Rev. Alan Dicken Regional Program Director