An Important Covid-19 Update

When WACC leadership first began to consider mitigation measures during the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, we pledged to keep you informed of any known reason for caution surrounding this WACC worship community.

That time has come.

We were informed today that a person who worshiped in our building this past Sunday (September 5) just tested positive for Covid-19.

While we are not overly concerned at this time, other than out of care for the person currently affected by the virus, we feel compelled to apprise you of this situation so you may make your best decisions about attending worship this Sunday.

We will hold worship in the building this Sunday, September 12, at 9:30am, as is our usual practice. We will also offer our usual 6pm online premiere, as is also our practice.

However, we will postpone all extra activities currently planned for this Sunday (i.e., Grandparents’ Sunday and the “Keeping Us Together” celebration) until a future date when ALL of us will be healthy enough to attend those events.

(If you have a question about music rehearsals or other small-group events, we suggest you contact the person/s in charge.)

We know you will make the best decision for yourself and your family as your comfort levels allow.

Please know that our love of this community and the safety of those within it will always be foremost in our minds as we navigate together this ongoing global health crisis.

We will continue to keep you apprised as important decisions regarding the pandemic, and our response to it, are made on behalf of our WACC worship community.