A Word from Treasurer Dan Walker

2021 Second Quarter Financial Assessment

During the second quarter of 2021, we continued to perform very well financially as a congregation. We had contribution income (from you, the congregation) of $58,193, which represents 108% of our budgeted quarterly contribution income of $53,790. We are now at the halfway point of the year and our total contribution income of $109,647 represents 102% of our budgeted amount. Way to go, Church! We also received our budgeted income amount of $21,926 from our Permanent Funds at the Christian Church Foundation.

On the expense side, we recorded $76,498 ($70,604 in the first quarter) in expenses as we began to get a little more back to something approaching pre-pandemic “normal.” Our budgeted operating expenses for the quarter were approximately $80,903.

All of the above adds up to an ending balance of $56,962 in our operating fund at the end of June. If we do not count the Payroll Protection Program funds of $33,027 still on hand, we would have an ending balance of $23,935, up from the balance of $20,049 at the end of March.

An all-around fantastic job by everyone! In addition, we managed to collect $21,210 from people donating some or all of their Coronavirus stimulus funds to be sent to our Christian Church Foundation Permanent Fund to help insure the long-term financial health of WACC.

I am both impressed and humbled by the faithful stewardship of the members, visitors, and staff of Washington Avenue Christian Church.


Dan Walker
