A Word from the Stewardship Committee

Dear Friends:

As we prayerfully discerned the 2019 Budget for Washington Avenue Christian Church, the Stewardship Committee compared projected giving and anticipated expenses to prepare the annual budget. The Stewardship Committee, Board, and congregation unanimously approved the budget, which included a deficit total of $15,277. To ensure transparency and help keep the congregation apprised of our finances, the Stewardship Committee will present a summary of our quarterly financial health to the congregation following each worship service this Sunday.

Our Treasurer, Dan Walker, presented the following to the Board at its April meeting:

  • Income—Our first quarter envelope offering is $2,285 above what was expected. Our first quarter other income is behind $842 behind what was projected, indicating that overall income is $1,443 ahead of what was anticipated.
  • Expenses—Our first quarter expenses are $4,747 less than our budgeted spending.
  • Treasurer’s assessment—Good.

This is good news! Your faithfulness to complete—and even surpass—pledged commitments inspires and ignites the mission and ministry of our church. In addition, our standing committees practice responsible spending.

As Disciples of Christ, we practice our trust in God’s abundance as a way of life when we steward our time, talent, and treasure toward the beautiful work that God is doing within our church, from our doorsteps, and to the ends of the earth. Your financial support makes our witness possible. Our resources enable us to do collectively what we could not do individually.

If we look at the 138 years of WACC’s life, we can chart God’s faithfulness at each and every step. Three-quarters of 2019 remains, and beyond that, an exciting future rooted in the promises of God. As transformed and transforming individuals and as a renewed and renewing congregation, may our stewardship be vibrant as we continue to respond boldly to God’s call to be Christ’s disciples.


Chuck Baumgartner and Lauri Warfield
Stewardship Committee Co-Chairs