A Word from the Outreach Committee

Dear Friends:

Washington Avenue’s January Special Offering is designated for Camp Christian Capital Improvements. We have long supported the operating budget for Camp Christian with a special offering and now we have the opportunity to also support Camp Christian ’s needed capital improvements. Camp Christian turned 70 years old in 2019. Over the years, there have been many improvements to Camp. But, as with any property that is an asset, there is always need to repair and improve the facilities as they are used. Some of Camp Christian’s current needs are the replacement of 80 mattresses in the cabin clusters, the purchase and installation of 16 new water heaters and new exterior commercial door knobs, rekeying Monroe Lodge, demolishment of the shallow pool and installation of a volleyball court in its place, and possibly making the lake suitable for swimming (there are no swimming pools at Camp anymore). There are structural concerns and drainage issues that are also needing attention.

There are 2020 Summer Programs at Camp Christian for Children and Youth from Kindergarten through 12th grade, as well as Advance Conference for Young Adults. There are also two Disciples Fellowship Retreats which are open to all ages. To make these programs at Camp Christian more enjoyable and to help continue the success and legacy of Camp Christian, please support Washington Avenue’s January Special Offering for Camp Christian Capital Improvements.

Thank you for your generosity and support of this important ministry in Ohio and for the time, talents, and gifts from everyone to help support Camp Christian in the ways you do. We are grateful for each and every one of you.

In grace and peace,

Gerald Western
Camp Christian Committee