A Word from Pastor Nathan

Thunder, the unofficial mascot of Washington Avenue Christian Church, pretty well has the lay of our three-acre property, and I know just how far and forcefully I can throw the ball for her without it crossing a property line or hitting the curb and soaring above the chain-link fence to its descent and demise into the river. Though Thunder’s favorite activity is playing fetch, she also enjoys investigating the artifacts of wildlife who also enjoy our lush landscape of green grass and budding flowers.

A few weeks ago, upon returning to the church from an evening stroll, Thunder leapt with excitement when we approached our front yard. Her eyes caught a doe and her two fawns. The two youngest deer were leaping with such playful joy. They ran in circles and chased each other and jumped across the center sidewalk and back again. Thunder, I’m convinced, wanted to join in the game while the mother deer and I supervised, but I’m not sure Thunder’s presence would have been welcome or wanted by the trio.

I’m in awe of all the effort it takes to keep this property beautiful and hospitable. For example, Marty Rowe recently trimmed some of the bushes on the west side of the building that hindered the sidewalk. Phil mows the grass and will (soon) rake an infinite number of leaves. Dennis Wilhelm made a gutter repair for rainwater to flow properly. Bonnie and Dennis Jackson and Lill and Carson McNeal have weeded the flower beds, planted flowers, and put down new mulch. Our Community Garden is also part of our landscape. My heart is grateful for the food and flowers grown. So are the deer.

There’s not a day that goes by when I don’t slow down on Washington Avenue and look at our grounds or our well-illuminated spire. No matter the season or the colors, there’s always something to admire and give thanks. We cultivate a beautiful church campus so that it’s warm and welcoming for all people, but my horizons are expanding. Our church is here for all creation to enjoy: deer, possums, racoons, muskrats (which aren’t beavers, I’ve learned), and a German Shepherd named Thunder.

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