A Word from Pastor Nathan

When we began our retreat for Brite Divinity School graduates at the Tanglewood Resort in Pottsboro, Texas, I had just received text messages from WACC members asking me about the shooting that took place at the Colonnade Apartments next door to the church. As soon as I heard the news, I called Diana, and she assured me of her safety, well-being, and plans should an emergency arise. We grieve with the person who died and pray for healing for the person who is still recovering.

On Tuesday, an unthinkable tragedy occurred at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. As of this writing, twenty-one people are dead, including nineteen children. Even now, I’m not sure of the words to pray but trust God’s spirit who intercedes for us when we cannot find the breath to even pray.

As a church committed to the very best, most beautiful, gospel-good news of Jesus Christ, we will lament these senseless tragedies that occur from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth. Our common grief is not in vain as it will, in time, give birth to a prophetic courage to work toward the future God wants and ultimately will have.

On Sunday, we will sing a new hymn by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette that will give voice to our pain and hope. The hymn is copied here so we can rehearse its lyrics ahead of Sunday.

May we be a people who are sent out in Jesus’ name to “shout and say, ‘Enough!’” and “build a world of love till the sounds of weapons cease, till our young can grow in peace.”

Toward peace and justice,

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