A Word from Pastor Nathan

Washington Avenue has the best lay leaders, and our committees are composed of good, faithful, and faith-filled people. Here’s the latest example: On Tuesday of last week, the Outreach Committee met and had a generative discussion about a unique opportunity to combine funds from Community/Congregational Outreach and From Our Doorsteps to assist an Oberlin church.

Days prior to Peace Community Church’s anticipated in-person regathering, part of the 105-year-old plaster ceiling collapsed onto the pews in the sanctuary. Thankfully, the building was unoccupied when this event occurred; however, the uncertainty of the structural integrity of the ceiling has delayed their longed-for reunion. On Sunday, September 26, the church accepted a bid to move forward with repair.

Peace Community Church is small but mighty. Indeed, they are dynamic and have a vibrant presence in Oberlin! We have numerous connections with this special congregation, too. The Rev. Allie Lundblad guest preached at Peace Community Church when a student at Oberlin; Evan Collins has clocked hours of practice on the tracker organ in the sanctuary; Revs. Mary and Steve Hammond, the former pastors, have enhanced worship and study at WACC with their presence; and we hosted their church’s search committee and provided a “neutral pulpit” for a pastoral candidate in 2019.

As we have experienced at WACC, gathering in-person for worship is important. After prayerful discussion, the Outreach Committee chose to contribute funds to help this congregation’s future hope become a present reality. Because of your faithful and generous stewardship and your giving toward August’s special offering, this gospel-work is possible. Every stakeholder in WACC can be proud of the awesome ways the Outreach Committee fulfills its promise to carefully consider the distribution of funds entrusted to them.

Stories like this one fire my jets. Furthermore, WACC’s witness inspires increased generosity, and that spirit runs deep within our church. I am proud of you, Washington Avenue. The ways in which you enact in the here-and-now the future God wants and ultimately will have fans the flame of faith that burns deep within our hearts.

Thanks be to God—and to you, too,