Celebrating Brenda Keenan

Earlier this week, Brenda Keenan and I met. We discussed her almost sixteen years of service to God through her ministry as Parish Visitor at Washington Avenue Christian Church. Brenda has embodied her calling of care and compassion through hundreds of visits throughout Lorain County, membership anniversary phone calls, postcards, live-chat greetings, social hour gatherings, and committee service.

When I think of Brenda’s ministry here and her list of “peeps,” Marion Wiles comes to mind. Brenda was insistent that Marion and I would connect and become friends, and Brenda made that connection happen. Just a few weeks ago, Brenda and I visited her friend and colleague from Elyria Savings & Trust, Marilyn Landes. Brenda’s kindness and gentleness with Marilyn made me proud to serve alongside her. Brenda was among the first to make membership anniversary calls in early 2019. I still have the voicemail she left me on my membership anniversary; it’s a keeper.

Brenda has represented us well, and we are a better church because of Brenda’s ministry with and among us. Most of all, Brenda’s abiding presence as a faithful member at WACC has impacted our church for the better.

Brenda has made the decision to retire on Sunday, August 8, 2021, which will be the 16th anniversary of her employment at WACC. We will recognize her in worship and plan a celebration of her tenure at a later date. I will be in touch with committee co-chairs, elders, and board members about ways in which we can honor Brenda.

Over the next month, Brenda will conclude one chapter and begin authoring a new one. There is grief and sadness around change and beginning anew. At the same time, there is news that gladdens our hearts: Brenda will stay an active member at WACC, and we will continue to be her community of faith. I don’t know what Brenda’s new adventure will hold, but I’m confident that the pages she writes will be filled with connections from Washington Avenue Christian Church.

Thank you, Brenda, for your ministry here. We are grateful to you and for you, now and always.