A Word from Pastor Nathan

Dear Friends:

Earlier today, I joined a clergy call with the Christian Church in Ohio. We listened well, prayed together, and shared stories of struggle and success. I mentioned our plans for regathering at Washington Avenue Christian Church and bragged on you, too. When concluding the call, I was grateful that Washington Avenue Christian Church is my home.

Regathering for in-person worship takes a lot of work, but you have proven yourselves to be ready for the challenge. Here are current examples: Last week, Lauri Warfield and Debby Willets, Co-Chairs of Stewardship, walked through the building and asked helpful questions. We now have a mounted box on a wall where you can deposit your gifts and offerings. On Saturday, property Co-Chair Marty Rowe and I installed new LED bulbs in the track lights. (I cannot wait for you to see the difference!) On Monday morning, Mary Lou Petersen and Sandy Rieth, Co-Chairs of the Worship Committee, met me in the sanctuary and we imagined how our regathering after a prolonged absence will be beautiful and meaningful. Monday night, the Property Committee met, and we pictured everything from arrival in the parking lot to departure. Bottles of hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial wipes have been purchased and will be available at both ends of every pew designated for seating and also throughout the building. Earlier this week, Jane Hutson, Chair of the Diaconate, reviewed new procedures for Diaconate members. On Tuesday, Dan Walker, Treasurer, prepared a first-quarter giving and budget analysis, and Diana emailed and mailed giving statements. On Wednesday, Susan Mathes and Chris Baumgartner, Co-Chairs of Christian Education, met and “tidied up the nursery.” Now, I’m coming back to this article as Evan and I just finished recording theAlternative. What a week! And it’s only Wednesday.

There are many more i’s to dot and t’s to cross before May 23 arrives, but I could not be more proud of who you are and how you’ve been willing and collaborative partners throughout this most-tumultuous year. Through the ways in which you practice your discipleship, and by the Spirit and grace of God, we’ve survived this season of separation and struggle. Calling Washington Avenue my home is a privilege. You continue to bring great joy to my heart.

See you soon,