A Word from Pastor Nathan

Happy Anniversary!

We’re celebrating two years together as parish and pastor. I’m still smitten with you, and I’d say yes again to Washington Avenue Christian Church any day of the week and twice on Sunday. When we said yes to each other, we knew that there would be changes and transitions, though none of us were sure exactly what to expect. We had multiple questions about one another, too. Still, we took a leap of faith toward what was next, which is proof to me that if there is energy behind any decision, we know we’ll have a future with hope.

None of us could have predicted that we would navigate a global pandemic a year -and – a -half into our relationship. In mid -March 2020, I thought we would be back in -person by Easter. Easter transitioned to Pentecost, and Pentecost will transition to Consecration Day and the seasons of Advent and Christmas. As of this writing, we’ve spent 25% of our shared time with a suspension of in -person gatherings. I’m grieving the loss of our time together. This season of “pandemic -tide” is painful, and my soul aches. The ministry we longed to share from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth is not the ministry we now have. Sometimes, I have to sing a song of lament in a minor key because it’s a true and meaningful way of expressing my sadness while keeping my grit and resolve.

As Christian people, we commit ourselves to rebirth, renewal, and resurrection. Though none of us has navigated a global pandemic, we are proving to ourselves and to the world that we are supple, flexible, trusting, responsive, and imaginative. We have shown our dedication through stewardship and willingness to worship online. I am so proud of you, church. The challenges that face us are great, but each problem is an invitation to radical trust that we are Christ’s church and the gates of hell shall not prevail, no matter what.

There is a future for Washington Avenue Christian Church! We don’t know what it will look like yet, but I sense there is energy behind our efforts. We can trust that we’ll have a future with hope. God has promised nothing less.

Imagine that, dear church.