A Word from Pastor Nathan

Dear Friends:

And we’re off! By we, I mean Janet Long, Dan Clark, and me. We ’re heading to Des Moines, Iowa, for the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

There are three levels to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The first is the local (congregational); the second is the regional (The Christian Church in Ohio); and, the third is the general (The Christian Church [Disciples of Christ] in the United States and Canada). When you hear WACC leaders talk about Disciples Mission Fund giving, this money is split between the regional and general church offices.

General Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) include Christian Board of Publication/Chalice Press; Christian Church Foundation; Council on Christian Unity; Disciples Church Extension Fund; Disciples Home Missions; Disciples Women; Disciples of Christ Historical Society; Division of Overseas Ministries/Global Ministries; Higher Education and Leadership Ministries; Hope Partnership for Missional Transformation (Hope Partnership); National Benevolent Association; National Convocation; North American Pacific/Asian Disciples; and, the Pension Fund. I cannot elaborate on each of these ministries, but you can see from this list that your faithful stewardship goes from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth.

Throughout the Assembly, attendees will gather for Bible study, worship, education, and mission. If you are curious to see what’s happening at General Assembly, you can search social media for the following hashtags: #Abide2019 and #CCDOC. The official Twitter account is @DisciplesGA. You can even live -stream worship on Saturday, July 20, at 2:30 p.m.; on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday at 8:15 p.m.; and, on Wednesday at 10 a.m. For more information, see: https://www.disciplesga.org/

The theme for this year ’s assembly is “Abide in Me,” based on John 15:1 -5. I encourage you to read this passage of scripture and pray for the Church throughout the General Assembly. Though miles will separate us, the Spirit of God will abide, and we will abide with God ’s spirit. The result of abiding in the vine? Much fruit. Good fruit. Jesus says, “Apart from me, [y’all] can do nothing.” What will we do if we abide? Impossible possibilities!

Peace abundant,
