A Word from Pastor Nathan

Dear Friends:

Congratulations, Washington Avenue Christian Church! You had an incredible 2018.

Here are some highlights: You created a $20,000+ pastoral transition fund, held an incredible fun fair in late June, called a new pastor, and celebrated the ministry of the Rev. Dr. Janet A. Long. These are major accomplishments, but there is more to the narrative of this dynamic and thriving congregation. You gave thousands toward special offerings, too. At the end of 2018, when we anticipated a budget deficit of $15,064, you rose to the occasion yet again, and you reduced that number by $11,307. Well done church! I am proud of you, and you should be proud of yourselves.

Another year has dawned, and the worship, work, and witness of this congregation continues with energy and enthusiasm. When we think of WACC, there are four major components to our mission: Outreach, Justice, and Care; Worshipping Together; Teaching and Nurturing; and Resources for Ministry. Even as these areas are separate, they mutually inform one another. All four areas are vital to the life of this congregation.

Just as these four areas describe our work as a church, the members of Washington Avenue Christian Church are its fabric. Each one is a steward of this congregation that we call home. When we practice faithful stewardship, we are not paying dues, nor are we fundraising; rather, we tend our souls so that our resources become transforming instruments we invest in God’s reign. David King writes, “Stewardship is the way that disciples make a life, and giving away yourself and the resources God has entrusted to you is central to our formation within a life of faith.” How do you imagine participating in God’s good work in the world as a Disciple of Christ? Is stewardship a first fruit or a last resort? What are your hopes for your life and for Washington Avenue?

Paul said of Abraham and Sarah, “Hoping against hope, they believed that they would become ‘the parents of many nations,’ according to what was said, ‘So numerous shall your descendants be.’” Put another way, “Hoping against hope, the people of Washington Avenue Christian Church believed they would be and share the Good News of Jesus Christ, witnessing, loving, and serving from their doorsteps ‘to the ends of the earth.’”

As we embark on this new year, let us travel boldly and with confidence, stewarding our time, talent, and treasure as Disciples of Christ.

With unbounded hope,
