A Word from Our Chair of Stewardship

Greetings, Dear Church!

I feel compelled to offer my sincere admiration and appreciation for your financial support of God’s mission through the ministries of Washington Avenue Christian Church. When the Stewardship Committee met to compare budget requests, pledges, and last year’s spending, we aspired to continue to seek God’s future. I am thrilled to announce that our commitment to financial stewardship has exceeded expectations, and made bold and courageous goals possible.

First, we increased the outreach budget above and beyond the percentage increase to the total budget. Our resolve to empower ministries from our doorsteps to the ends of the earth is a hallmark of our church.

Second, we are taking a conservative approach with our permanent funds by reducing our draw from 6.5% to 4% which follows the recommendation of the Christian Church Foundation and is supported by our Permanent Funds Trustees. This decision provides for the growth of funds that generations of saints have seeded for our church’s future.

Third, we have budgeted to hire a Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries, a position that is vital to developing the faith of our youth and growing the future church generations. I am convinced that we will continue to discover new ways to participate with hope, joy, and gratitude as we worship together. Your gifts are wanted and necessary as we seek the path God wants and ultimately will have. You are a beloved part of this congregation and I give thanks to God for your faithful discipleship and grateful stewardship.

Lauri Warfield
Chair, Stewardship Committee