A Word from Glennis Covault

This past weekend, I had the incredible opportunity of attending the Advance Conference at Camp Christian. Camp has always been a large part of my life. I attended and worked at a United Methodist camp for eleven years and heard my call to ministry at camp, so beginning the year and new ministry at camp felt meant to be.

I met many other young adults in the Disciples of Christ church and learned from them what it is like to be in this denomination. I am discovering how the Disciples of Christ are different from the United Methodist, largely in ways that excite and intrigue me. Being with other young adults gave me the first-hand experience of what I can expect and what others will expect from my ministry. Additionally, I got to meet and make new friends, which is never a bad thing!

The focus of the weekend was on Galatians 5:22-23, which talks about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. We spent time discussing actions that depict the Fruits, which actions we feel we perform best, what Fruits we see in others, what actions we need to work on, and what our ‘toolbox’ is of actions that we can use when going through challenging times. It was extremely beneficial to take this time to reflect and write down exactly what I had and what I needed to work on. The Fruits of the Spirit are something that I find to reveal new things, no matter how many times I dig into them.

I also want to invite you to a Listening Session this Sunday, January 22, in the Gibbens Room following worship. Please come ready to share your thoughts, ideas, concerns, questions, goals, and visions for the youth and young adult ministries at WACC. I’ll also share my own goals and vision for this ministry. If you’re curious about youth and young adult ministry, have ideas you’d like to share, questions you’d like answered, or are simply interested to participate in conversation, I encourage you to attend. How amazing it will be for us to listen and share.

Finally, thank you for the welcome you have given me. I have felt so at home, so encouraged, and so included. It’s never easy to join a new congregation, especially in a new and unfamiliar denomination, but you have made it feel seamless. I look forward to working and growing in ministry with you.

In Christ,

Glennis Covault, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries