A Word from Debby Willets

Yesterday we celebrated Valentine’s Day, the day of giving and receiving love. When we recall Jesus’ expansion of neighbor and remember his admonition to love our neighbors as ourselves, we take the message of Valentine’s Day to a deeper level. These words about love have sparked special meaning for me in recent days. On Saturday, January 28, our neighbors who reside in the apartment complexes and several persons from our congregation participated in a celebration of Louise Nelson’s life following her unexpected passing the week prior. The gathering outside her apartment included toasts, conversations, hugs, reminiscences, tears, a balloon release, as well as a blessing by our pastor. Following the outdoor gathering, we offered Lou’s friends, neighbors, and family the use of Fellowship Hall to continue their time of remembrance. Through the grace of several people from our congregation (who didn’t even know Lou), we provided light refreshments for those who gathered and bags to carry home the bountiful leftovers. As people shared with me some of their connections with Lou, it became evident that she was a fine example of loving one’s neighbors.

For me, Lou was a gardening friend for many years. She demonstrated her love through tending her garden well, treating gardeners to a kick-off picnic on a couple occasions, and giving other neighbors the food she grew. Even through her time of deep personal grief, she persevered in being the person who cared about and for others. Like all of us, Lou was very human. But in talking with those who joined in celebrating her life, I heard of a helpful and FUN neighbor, co-worker, friend, and sister. She exemplified love for neighbor in so many ways and will be someone I remember with deep respect and love. By offering the opportunity to garden on the church’s front lawn, we got to participate a little in her life of caring and sharing. By inviting her loved ones to gather in our Fellowship Hall, we got to pass along the love of neighbors that she embodied.

“The seed within good ground will flower and have life. Seed scattered and sown, wheat, gathered and grown, bread, broken and shared as one, the Living Bread of God.” –Dan Feiten

Seed scattered and sown, indeed. Thanks be to God!

Debby Willets, Elder and Chair of the Worship Committee